
We rely on electronic medical records because they allow us to spend more time with patients.

There are simple ways to enhance your enjoyment of a healthy life. Finding them is the power of primary care.

Patient Resources

Find a primary care physician that works with you

At SNE Primary Care, we know how important finding the right primary care physician is. So we want your choice to be an informed one. We provide you, in simple terms, with all the office policies you need to know to understand what it's like to be a primary care patient here. When you have questions about prescription refills or find out anything else about primary care, our physician and staff are here with answers. Maybe you wonder about what HIPAA means to you or more about electronic medical records (EMRs) and your right to privacy. No matter your concerns, we are here to help.

The resources you need for the little things, and the big ones

Most of the questions patients come in with have a personal side, whether they are new patients or among the many families we already serve. We understand. You need to feel comfortable with the primary care physician you find, from the clinical services offered to the familiar faces you see during your visit. If there's an answer your can find about primary care here on our website, we are ready to provide it in person—please, come in.

You will find more than a primary care physician

What makes SNE Primary Care different from many other practices isn't our location or the resources we provide: it's the thinking and beliefs behind everything we do. When you get to know us, you will find a primary care physician that treats your health as a part of your life, not as something out of a medical text book. We rely on electronic medical records because they allow us to spend more time face-to-face with patients. There are so many simple steps that can be taken to enhance your enjoyment of a healthy life: finding them is the power of primary care.

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